Educational Trust accidentally leaks supporter information

DCU Educational Trust accidentally released personal details of 2,500 of their supporters on December 3rd 2012.

97 people were sent the names and contact details of the supporters.

Teresa Murray, Head of Marketing at DCU called it a human error. “There was no negative reaction (from the trust’s supporters). No one really cared because of the nature of the information.”

In a letter sent to those involved, DCU assured the supporters that the relevant information has been reported to the Data Protection Commissioner.

The letter goes on to say the recipients of the details are all part of the larger DCU community and so any inappropriate use of the information leaked is unlikely.

It continued: “”We can assure you that on the direction of the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner, we have taken all appropriate steps to address this situation. The DCU Educational Trust is a professional institution that takes these errors seriously and measures have been put in place to ensure that such an error does not occur in the future.”

The DCU Educational Trust was put in place 25 years ago to attract private sector investment to the university. It develops relationships with corporations, alumni and foundations, including Bill Cullen and Paddy Power.

Adam Higgins

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