Flux goes to the entertainment.ie Erics Awards

With awards for the ‘Raunchiest Radio Voice’ and the ‘Ledgebag of the Year’, it was always going to be a night to rival no other. Entertainment.ie’s The Erics Awards 2012 saw crowds pack the Village on Wednesday night to revel in the glamour of the whole affair. It wasn’t quite the Golden Globes, but it was close.

Entertainment on the night took the form of Irish music scene favourites Delorentos, Heathers, Leanne Harte and Bouts. The common folk who paid €10 for tickets certainly got their money’s worth.

Shortly after the Heathers’ performance, the twin girls returned to the stage to pick up the award for Best Irish Music Act. “Louise can’t speak today so I’m gonna speak.” Ellie announced as they accepted the award, “We just want to say a big thank you to entertainment.ie who were always so supportive of us, everyone who voted for us, we love you all and to our parents, who are amazing.”

Dublin-based four piece, The Riptide Movement received the Best Irish Album for their second studio album ‘Keep on Keepin’ On’, while Westlife were voted Best Live Event of the Year for 2012.

Susan Boyle can now add “Winner of the ‘Ah Heyor, Leave Eh Ouh! Best WTF Moment’ Award” to her CV for her album hashtag fail #susanalbumparty. She wasn’t able to make it on the night to accept the award, but there’s no doubt that she’ll treasure it forever.

Bachelor of the Year went to Spin DJ, Riyadh Khalaf, who seemed rather pleased with the award: “I’m over the bloody moon and I’ve decided to change my name to Riyadh Bachelor-of-The-Year Khalaf. I was a pretty ugly teenager so it’s a relief that I have finally grown into my oversized nose and that you all love me. Maybe next year Bressie, maybe next year. For now, this is my year. Over and out, Rideface Riyadh.”

Irish Musician Wallis Bird was named Bachelorette of the Year. Many people on receiving an award will thank their family, friends, significant others, etc. Not Wallis though, “I’d like to thank my thumbs for voting for myself ten times a day, on every device.”

Headline act Delorentos were the highlight of the evening and saw me transformed from normal person to crazy fangirl. This was not helped when I nearly got flattened by frontman Kieran McGuinness as he dived from the stage to dance in the crowd. I can confirm that he smells lovely though.

The biggest disappointment of the night was the failure of Beyoncé to turn up and claim her Red Carpet Winner Award. I have no doubt that she had fully intended being there, she just took a wrong turn on South William Street and ended up in Coppers instead. Only explanation.

With a free cocktail for attendees it was always going to be a good night. Although, I never did get mine. Apparently arriving half an hour after the doors open to be fashionably late means you miss the free booze.

Róisín Treacy

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