Street Spirit: Flux talks to Maser, street artist

Street art, what’s the fascination? Maser is one of Dublin’s most respected graffiti artists, who has been painting on both the Dublin and international scene for over ten years. His work always carries a message, be it the simple “Maser loves u” to “love yourself today” and never fails to make his audience, the passers-by, or at least me, stop and say “I love it.” Fresh from his incredibly successful “Outsider” exhibition in the US and directing Damien Dempsey’s new music video, Flux caught up with the busy man for a quick chat.

Last gig you were at and your verdict?
Avid Brothers in Arkansas, US. Interesting experience, outdoor gig, cowboy hats, pick up trucks, bible belt and Miller beer. Loved it.

Last play you saw and loved?
Beauty and the Beast a few weeks ago, performed by 10th Grade kids in Fayetteville US. Honestly super impressed.

Is Dublin’s history something that has always influenced you or is it a case of the more you know the more it directs your work?
I can’t help but be influenced by my surroundings, I believe most people are. Hence why we have accents, dress sense etc. My work is the same. It’s influenced by what I see and my experiences. History is part of that, we are a part of Dublin’s history. A portion of my work is clearly dictated by this.

What do you think made your work so refreshing?
I know ‘art’ can be a selfish act of expression. I try to encourage positivity in others by painting positive messages in different locations. Believing that the more you give, the more you receive. It’s tried and tested, it works.

Did you ever imagine yourself making a living from this work?
Yes. I’ve devoted myself to this.

Favourite sandwich?
Does anyone really care?

Best night out in Dublin right now?
Mother Club Discotheque on Saturday at Copper Alley on Exchange Street. Conor L from BodyTonic played this week, Billy Scurry last week and Chewy Chewerson a few weeks ago.

Last book you read?
‘Shine, How to survive and thrive at work’ by Chris Barez Brown.

Favourite film to watch at Christmas time?
Just watching Back to the Future as I write this.

There is a lot of excitement surrounding your work in America right now, we’re sure you won’t be turning your back on Dublin! What are your plans for when you get back?
Dublin is my home but I intend to travel more and spread the word.
At the moment I’m working on renovating a space to turn into artists’ studios in Dublin.
I’m also making plans for a show in Cincinnati, US in March and some walls planned for Dublin and the States in 2013 and hoping to launch a new campaign for Men’s Mental Health early in the New Year.

Claire Healy

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