Tinseltown Tidbits

This week, we have hottest gossip on your faves Snow White, Rahunzel and Cinderfella from our Pantoland insider Perina Hilson. Just what will they do next?


Tinseltown’s It-Girl Snow White gives her name a whole new meaning

The celebs were out in force last night for a star studded party hosted by Richton “Rich Dick” Richards in honour of himself. Spirits were high but nobody was as high as our girl Snowy who was photographed sniffing a line of a suspicious white substance in the VIP area of Thumbelina’s, a popular hangout for the Tinseltown elite.

An insider reports:

“Snowy was going all night. She was there with her famous mates Cinders and Rahunzel, dancing with the Big Bad Wolf and even doing shots off David Hasselhoffs stomach. It was clear she was out to party.”

When asked about the blurry photo above of her and the mystery substance, our source had this to say: “I wasn’t in the VIP area for long before the bouncers kicked me out, but she seemed to be having a good time, like, a really good time.”

Snow White rose to fame after starring as the titular role in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs but it seems that lately fame is starting to affect her. Just last month she was photographed stepping out of a carriage without any underwear on and there are rumours that Hollywood bosses want her ousted from her next project, the more politically correct named Snow White and the Eight Vertically Challenged Individuals. Her rumoured replacement – Lindsay Lohan. Girl, when you’re getting replaced by a firecrotch mess, you know your career is in trouble.


Star snapped sans pants

Oh sweetie, didn’t they give you any panties when they locked you away in that tower? Seems unlikely, as our paps caught the celebutante exiting a vehicle outside Lexington Social House in West Hollywood baring a whole lot more than her legs!

The socialite was seen parting all night with friends Snow White, Cinderfella and an unnamed toff. According to insiders, when she left the club later that night, her hair wasn’t the only thing that was Tangled.

Oh girl, when will you learn?


There must be something in the water lately as all of Tinseltown seems to be stripping down like a sailor on leave in Coppers! To add to the string of recent flashings by celebs, Cinderfella was not to be outdone, candidly snapped on holidays in Santa Ponsa by one of our photogs. Granted, the photo was taken by a high quality lens with x-ray vision from several miles away, in the dark, but still: doesn’t Cinders know to keep his kit on, especially after earlier in the year when we saw Kate’s Middletons?

We all know Cinders of course for his high profile relationship with Prince Charming. He was set to star as himself in a movie on their romance (which just last year came to a bitter end) but was ousted at the last minute in favour of Demi Lovato. Ouch, that’s gotta hurt. Just remember honey, when you’re trying to get over it, keep your clothes on.


This girl can’t seem to stay off our radar for even a second! Seen partying at the Four Seasons with Ronan Keating earlier this week, this candid photo was snapped of the starlet in the arms of a mystery man in the car park. Reports state that he is just a “close friend”.

When approached for comment, the unnamed Blackrock lad stated: “Yeah, we’re having a great sesh tonoysh. Just here with a few of the lads and the Dublin team loike, having a right old knees up, Jaegerbombs and all that craic. Snowy’s a top bird and I’m absolutely mad about her.”

The mystery Casanova attempted to say more, but unfortunately vomited on the hood of Pat Kenny’s new Nissan Micra and was escorted away by security.

Whatever is the matter with Pantoland’s favourite starlets? Find out at DCU Drama’s annual panto, on the 5th and 6th of December. Tickets €5

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