Forever or for one night only

With websites like and devoted to one-night stands you may think that relationships will soon become a thing of the past among the younger generation.

However, when The College View took to the DCU campus to find out students’ views on the topic, it became apparent that there is a wide range of opinion on whether one-night stands are for everyone.

Andy Casey, a 20-year-old marketing student has a very definite view on the subject: “I think that most guys are into one-night stands. I’m 20 and I don’t think lads my age are into commitment, especially when living the college student life. I’m from Drogheda, so when lads come up to Dublin, it’s kind of like ‘whoa’ where has this place been all my life”.

Lisa Hopper, a 20-year-old who also studies communication told The College View she is a firm believer in having a steady boyfriend. “I am much more interested in relationships … I think it’s better to be in a relationship because it’s way nicer.”

Student Aoife Duffy said that while one night stands were not for her, she was not ready for the commitment of a relationship. “I think in general more people are up for one-night stands, I don’t really want a relationship but I wouldn’t be looking for a one-night stand either”.

David Monaghan, also shared his opinion: “It’s 50/50 to be honest, it depends who it is”. Another student revealed that she did not buy into the common assumption that men want a one-night stand while girls want a relationship: “Not at this age really, I know there are a lot of girls who would like a relationship but I think at this age everyone is pretty much the same”.

Rory O Connell, a 20-year-old marketing, innovation and technology student said he does not believe that one-night stands are becoming more common. It is just something that young people do and always will do: “I don’t think these things change that much at all. I think youth is where you are more likely to explore the sexual perimeters and then as you get older you move towards a more relationship kind of mind-set”.

Gary Raymond, 18, an engineering student agrees that it is impossible to tar a whole age group with the same brush. “It depends on the person. You can’t judge an entire group. I suppose the majority
might be interested in a one-night stand but it really depends on the person themselves”. “One-night stand. It’s just the way the country’s going”, said Paul Redmond, 18.

So while many students agree that the one-night stand is here to stay, a lot of students still believe in the long term relationship route, while others take a broader view of the two options and stay somewhere decidedly in the middle. Whatever your view on the subject, always make sure to use protection and keep a friend informed of your whereabouts.

Claire Corrigan

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