60 seconds with DCU Rock climbing club

Lorna Finnegan talks with club chairperson Eoghan McGrath

Describe your club in 5 words
It’s Viagra for your forearms. .

How did you get involved in rock climbing in the first place?
It’s quite a funny story really. My friend said I should try it out, so I did.

Tell me a little bit about the events your club take part in?
As well as fortnightly training sessions in DCU, we climb outdoors at Dalkey quarry and indoor at some of Ireland’s top climbing facilities. The main event of the year is our trip to Glendalough in Wicklow. It’s pretty insane.

What has been the clubs biggest achievement so far?
Since winning the Intervarsity championship in 2005 our greatest achievement has been maintaining a near perfect safety record. Having over 230 members is a pretty good achievement too I think.

What has been your biggest achievement (competitive or not at all) or your best memory with rock climbing since you became a member?
Keeping the PRO (Ken) out of prison/alive is up there, but solo climbing the north face of the Eiger twice in one day was pretty good too, great experience.

Finally, why would you encourage people to join Rock Climbing?
There is a very friendly atmosphere at the climbing wall in DCU. Whether you want to take rock climbing seriously or just have some fun doing something different, this is the club for you. It’s a great excuse to meet new people and get seriously fit while doing it.

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