Students’ Union unveil ambitious community garden plan for DCU

DCU Students’ Union have unveiled ambitious plans for a community garden to be located in DCU.

The plans for the garden, which is to be located on the east side of the DCU campus, will be constructed on a strip of land that is currently unused. The land has been described as a ‘hidden gem’ by the Union.

The land currently has two wooden cabins with full electric and plumbing along with two former polytunnels and a large glasshouse. The unused property, which also consists of a dozen apple trees, has been damaged over the years but SU President Paul Doherty is confident that it can be developed into a new student space.

Initial stages of the plan (pictures right) have progressed and Sustainability Initiative Manager, Samantha Fahey, has obtained some funding for the development of the project.

“It’s still in planning stage,” Doherty told The College View, “with a committee to be set up.

“We are hoping for work to start over the winter with an opening in the spring. I definitely think it has potential as an alternative student space to accommodate students from all walks of life.”

The plot of land was uncovered during the summer as the SU sabbatical team were looking to maximise student space within the university with uncertainty still remaining over the use of the Old Bar at the time.

The Students’ Union have said that it is important to pursue all avenues for student space and they hope that this will be one of many developments in DCU, for DCU students, in the near future.

Brendan White

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