60 seconds with DCU Fencing Club

Describe your club in five words.

Friendly, active, encouraging, competitive and a great laugh.

2How did you get involved in Fencing?

I got involved in my first year of college when I joined the club. I had grown up watching the movie of the ‘Three Musketeers’ and felt that it would be a bit of fun to see what it was like in reality.

Tell us about the rest of the committee.

Our club secretary and general shepherd of the flock Killian ‘Jimmy’ Dolan has been performing above and beyond the call of duty in aiding a captain new to the position. Our club treasurer, Tom, keeps us on the straight and narrow and as one of the most experienced fencers in the club, provides invaluable experience from which to provide support. Our club armourer, Colin, keeps the gear in working condition for the competitions which we participate in.
4. What are the main events your club partakes in?

The club regularly takes part in competitions around Dublin and Ireland. Last weekend, (27th and 28th) the club participated in the ‘Ireland West Open Competition’ in Galway. We also participate in the intervarsities with other colleges in Ireland and in smaller competitions such as the ‘Pembroke Open’ in which we won the medal for the most promising fencers of the year.
5. Why would you encourage people to join DCU’s Fencing Club?

All in all, this is a great club to join. With a well co-ordinated and efficient committee and friendly people all round who look forward to meeting new people and passing on to them the skills they’ve learnt. And if not that, then there’s always the drinks in The NuBar after training which help slow the racing heart.

You can follow the Fencing Club on Facebook
DCU Fencing Club Email – dcufencing@gmail.com

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