Review: #3 by The Script

The Dub boys done good are back with (in case you didn’t already get it) their third studio release “#3”. Since the release of their last album, “Science and Faith” in 2010, the band have concentrated on their own careers, most notably lead singer Danny’s foray into hanging with Tom, Jessie and of a Saturday evening.

They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. For those who love these hard working class heroes, or for those less than enamoured by their guitar- based rock style, this may not the be case. This album is disappointing. Some of the tracks are so bad, they are embarrassing. “Give The Love Around” is reminiscent of something from the days of 5ive. And not in a good way.

However, all is not lost as lead single “Hall of Fame” is a glimmer of hope in this audio abyss. Catchy and featuring a certain Black Eyed Pea, it showcases what the true essence of this band is about. Danny O’Donoghue utilises his natural born story-telling ability through his lyrics, and this one is sure to be belted around stadiums along with their other hits. It’s just a bit disappointing that there aren’t more standout tracks amongst the duds.

Rating: 2/5 

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