MacCraith and Students’ Union happy with Freshers Fortnight

DCU President Brian MacCraith has hailed Freshers’ Fortnight as a great initiative to help new students in DCU.

DCU Freshers Fortnight took place over the last two weeks to welcome all newcomers to DCU life. The action took place from the 17th to the 28th September throughout the campus and all events were organised by DCU Students’ Union.

Professor MacCraith said that the two weeks were of great benefit to first year students starting in DCU. “Freshers Fortnight is a great initiative and helps our first years in two important ways”, he told The College View. “First it’s a great opportunity to make new friends and, second, it’s a great time to sign up to our fantastic selection of clubs and societies.”

President MacCraith also urged first years to join a society or club. “With over a hundred to choose from, I encourage every fresher to get involved in at least one.”

DCU SU Welfare Officer, Neil Patrick Collins told The College View about the importance of the first week of orientation. “Orientation week gives first years a chance to come in on their own, excel and meet with other first years…without doubt its a big change coming here and the first week gives them a chance to look around, find their feet, its important they don’t feel thrown in at the deep end.”

The festivities kicked off with an open-air barbeque at Larkfield apartments, where first years were given the opportunity to introduce themselves to the DCU lifestyle, in a fun friendly atmosphere.

“The Larkfield barbeque welcomed our first years to DCU”, DCU SU’s Collins said, adding “myself and the other guys from DCU SU went around and met with them, we gave tours and talks, helped them, it was a cool introduction for all”.

Hypnotist Michael McCoy played mind games with the students, captivating a packed Venue and his set went down a treat. Rebecca Flynn, a first year Education and Training student, fell under his spell; “It was really fun, even before he had hypnotised any of us”. She continued, “It was really uplifting…the Venue was packed, word had got around that he has us doing some crazy stuff”.

Big names also graced the DCU stage during the two weeks. DJ Fresh played the Orientation Ball, a famous DJ well known for his recent collaborations with Rita Ora and Dizzee Rascal.

First year Economics, Politics and Law student, Luke Whelan attended the ball and told The College View: “it was really good…it exceeded by expectations to be honest”.

DCU SU’s Collins was again delighted with how the Orientation Ball was received by the first years, and that were was very little trouble at the event. “It was brilliant, the Venue was packed. Really there was no trouble at all, there were minor incidents, one or two people were put out for aggression, but apart from that it was trouble free. The bouncers were under strict instruction to facilitate students to have a good night.”

The highlight of the two weeks, the “Fresholympic freshers ball” took place on Thursday night. Tickets were originally priced at €15 but due to low ticket sales and complaints from students about ticket prices for the Orientation Ball and the Fresholympics, the price was reduced to €10 on the day, with students getting €5 back if they arrived before 11.30pm.

First year General Nursing student, Niamh Kavanagh told us that she had a great night. “I thought the themed night was a great idea, it was a good laugh and myself and all of my friends really enjoyed it.”

Gill Fitzsimons is our Deputy News Editor

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