by Chloe O Sullivan
The ’12 Business Days of Christmas’ initiative launched yesterday as the government introduced a tough budget for the coming year. The project, led by Dublin City University Business School and supported byAIB, will launch a dozen young Irish companies over twelve days in the run up to Christmas.
The initiative is championed by DCU Business School’s own Dr Theo Lynn. Lynn believes that universities should be taking a more active role in enterprise in Ireland.
He said, “DCU is Ireland’s University of Enterprise. We believe small business is big business and SMEs will play a crucial role in Ireland’s future economic growth. Universities, whether through research, education, or engagement, should and can play a much more tangible role in helping entrepreneurs and start-ups develop and grow their businesses.”
DCU’S Leadership, Innovation and Knowledge Research Centre (LINK) is supporting and mentoring the entreupaneurs from a range of industries including mobile application design, sunglasses retailers, e-commerce, and web TV, spokesperson Kevin O’Brien told the College View. Together these companies will employ over 24 people in 2012.
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