Delamere reschedules gig due to poor ticket sales

By Michelle Storey

Fans of comedian Neil Delamere were left scratching their heads in confusion when the funny man announced that he would be cancelling his comedy gig in the Helix, due to worries over ticket sales.

Although there was not a lot of publicity surrounding the cancelled gig, a possible reason for poor ticket sales, the rescheduled show, for Monday the 5th December, is promising to be a massive success already.

Three quarters of the Helix’s tickets for the gig have been sold out and even more have been purchased at the Student Union Office.

When contacted, Delamere declined to comment on why he had cancelled his earlier November gig. Communications and Marketing Officer, Emer Fitzgerald confirmed that he cancelled due to being worried about ticket sales.

Meanwhile, rumours of cancelling the ever popular Toxic Tuesday nights have been put to rest by events manager Shea McNelis.

In a recent report in The College View, sources in the students’ union said that the night would have to be cancelled if ‘rugby mauls’ and dangerous behaviour in the queue continued.

McNelis said that “We have never had complaints of overcrowding. Our fire cert is for 1350 and that is the max that would be at an event. There has been complaints from students who come late and can’t get in as it’s a full house. We put event plans in place for all our events, when we had issues with bad behaviour, we put measures in place to deal with this.”

These worries came to light after footage emerged of dangerous behaviour  displayed by a select few students queuing up to enter Toxic Tuesday and some even described the situation as being near ‘trampled on’.

He also advised any students wishing to attend the event that they show up early to avoid the disappointment of being turned away at the door.

It will be a relief to many to hear that the event will not be cancelled with McNelis stating, “It would not be fair to cancel a popular campus night because of a few behaving badly. So no we would not cancel the event.”

Most students seem to echo the same thoughts on the matter. Second year journalism student Lauren Kelly said “I don’t think that Toxic Tuesday should be cancelled. It’s a great event for DCU students to socialise with others from different courses. It can be overcrowded at times, maybe they could reduce the amount of people they let in?”

Student Emma-Jane Hade was also appalled at this possibility, commenting   “I don’t think it’s too overcrowded! The new queuing system outside is far better than the old one! I’d miss it if it was cancelled definitely, highlight of the week in college!”

It seems that Toxic Tuesdays will be a staple in DCU’s social event calendar for a long time to come.

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