Trinity College nanoscience institute awarded from Intel

Róisín Treacy
CRANN, the nanoscience institute in Trinity College which is funded by the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI), received an award by Intel in recognition of their researchers work in helping the company to develop advanced technologies.

The award recognises the alliance between CRANN and Intel over the last ten years. In this time, CRANN has built a relationship with Intel Ireland’s manufacturing capability and its Components Research unit based in Portland, Oregon.

Dr Robert Chau of Intel presented the award to CRANN. Chau said, “I am delighted to have the opportunity to visit CRANN and TCD.” He acknowledged that Intel has enjoyed “very productive research collaborations with CRANN since its foundation in 2003 across a range of topics.”

According to Dr Chau, the research has been focused on technologies that could assist in the advancement of ‘Moore’s Law’, a principle which enables innovation in computing technology. Dr Chaus said that Intel is looking forward to continuing its collaboration with CRANN into the future.

Intel’s alliance with CRANN has created many employment opportunities for its graduates. One CRANN graduate was recruited into the Components Research unit in Oregon and will be returning to the institute as an Intel researcher-in-residence. This is the first Components Research staff placement from Intel USA in Ireland. Intel has also hired 15 new employees with PhDs from CRANN.

“As Ireland’s foremost nanoscience institute, CRANN works to develop industry partnerships in sectors such as technology, pharmaceuticals, and energy, among others,” said Dr John Boland, director of CRANN.

“Our partnership with Intel has been in existence for eight years and has, during this time, been mutually beneficial. Intel has challenged us to research new technologies, new devices, and new functionalities, all the while expanding our expertise.”

“Intel has always been committed to Ireland, as a significant employer, continually investing in Ireland – including in research. Exemplar research capabilities, such as those in CRANN, will continue to attract and maintain such inward investment. I am delighted to accept this award on behalf of CRANN and I look forward to developing our partnership with Intel into the future,” Boland said.


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