Clubs and Socs: Something for everyone

By Aoife Gray and Catriona Hughes

Clubs and Socs day is a huge annual event in DCU and this year even more clubs and societies were out to persuade us to join their unique and daring groups. The Hub and Venue were crowded with eager students deciding which societies to join, many of whom were swayed by the complimentary foods or gifts on offer. Here’s the lowdown on all things social in DCU.

During our quest to discover the many different clubs and societies present in DCU, we encountered many characters, some of which persuaded us to join their societies. Easily persuaded? Us?  Well maybe just a little bit.

We began by speaking to Ian O’ Hare, Chairperson of DCU’s largest society, the Enterprise Society (Esoc).  Esoc has come under fire in previous years with speculation regarding its funding and apparent party atmosphere, but Ian was able to reassure us that Esoc is trying to distance itself from that stigma. He said that “although Esoc hosts the B&E ball, social events are not its core priority.”

For instance, last year it set up a version of TV3’s The Apprentice on campus and members of Esoc travelled to Africa on a Micro-financing Brigade which led to the establishment of the new Global Brigade society. Esoc member, Emma Slattery, is encouraging all students to get involved in the fundraising, which will take place both inside and outside in DCU during Rag week.

DCU Dance urged students to get involved this year after the success of the DCU Hip-Hop crew last year who competed in the 2010 World Championship. DCU Dance is hosting auditions for its different squads over the coming weeks. The Hip-Hop, Irish Dancing and DCU Doll’s will compete at intervarsity level and perform at many DCU events. Dancers of all levels of experience can audition, so get down to the auditions in the Hub, get your dancing shoes on and get footloose!

The variety of clubs and socs this year is unbelievable and there really is something to suit everyone in DCU, regardless of your course of study. Ciara Walkin from “DCU Devils”, the women’s rugby society, told us that they had almost 90 DCU girls trying their hand at tag rugby.

The cultural societies were out in full force this year as we spoke to both the Chinese and Indian societies. A representative of the Chinese society informed us of the cultural evenings it hosts where Chinese food is made and Chinese language classes take place. We can verify that the prawn crackers on offer were delicious.

A second year student from the Indian society told us how members of the club organise events in celebration of the various Indian and Hindu festivals throughout the year. They serve Indian food, show Bollywood movies and have Bollywood dancing for those who wish to try their hand.

For all the poker-mad students, the DCU Poker Society is bigger and better than ever. It will hold poker events on Monday nights in the Nubar. Admission is €10 and free for ladies to their first event with prize money up for grabs as well.

DCU’s Surf and Sail slogan, “Are you wet?” and their plans for a surfing adventure this October drew many students to their stand and convinced us to part with our hard earned money and join.

Surfer Roman told us how the club has a trip to Bundoran, Donegal planned for October 21st. The total cost of the trip is €60 and promises to be a serious session if last year’s expedition is anything to go by. Surf and Sail will be hosting beer pong events against the Skiing and Snowboarding society throughout the year.

DCU’s Media Production society (MPS) was quickly signing up members as one of the largest societies in DCU. MPS won the best society award within the college itself and beat hundreds of societies in the various third level institutions throughout the country to be crowned best society in Ireland. MPS members travelled to London last year to visit the BBC and hope to go “even further this year.”

As for the Students’ Unions’ stance on clubs and socs, we spoke to SU Vice President, Collie Ollie, about the benefits of getting involved. “With over 100 active clubs and societies it is clear that clubs and socs are the life blood of DCU!” said Collie, “I cannot express how important a part they play in the life of a DCU student – DCU offers a holistic module of development to its students, not just excellence in the academic field.”

“Employers want students who are well rounded. It is the best €4 you will ever spend during your time here in DCU, so join up, get involved, make new friendships and, most importantly, have fun!”

So there you have it, with over 100 clubs and societies thriving in DCU, from the weird to the wonderful, DCU offers something for everyone and every interest and talent our students have. If you haven’t registered with any clubs or societies yet, simply email a society member or visit the Students’ Union office to find out more.

Image by Cian Markey

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