DCUSU pitted against working mums in new gameshow

By Ceile Varley

Members of DCU’s student union are to appear on an episode of new Irish gameshow, ‘Who Knows Ireland Best.’ The episode is set to air in early November and will show the team pitted against a group of working mums from Roscommon.

SU President Ed Leamy, VP for Education Cillian Byrne and new Marketing and Communications Officer Emer Fitzgerald took part, beating a team of Dublin Taxi drivers in a test episode.

The show is similar to Family Fortunes and is presented by Derek Mooney.

The team turned up to film wearing SU branded t-shirts but were asked to change. Ed Leamy told the College View, “They had to dress me from the RTE wardrobe. Cillian luckily had his Mr Lazy t-shirt and it’s funny because it’s in striking contrast to his personality and he’d to wear it on national television.”

Ed Leamy refused to say who had won the game as it violated confidentiality. “I can’t tell you who won but it was great craic.” Derek Mooney took a liking to Ed, remarking upon his deep voice and later inviting him to speak on his radio show. As in Family Fortunes, 1000 members of the public are surveyed on everything from their manners and morals to their beliefs and behaviours.

Contestants will have to give answers that are in sync with those surveyed and in doing so should, in theory, show that they ‘know Ireland best’.

Some sample questions on the programme’s website included: have you spoken on a mobile phone when driving, would you date someone who is unemployed, have you ever cheated on a test. Contestants for the programme were taken from Ireland‘s workforce, sports clubs and hobby groups in teams of three.

Ed said, “There are all different demographics, it’s great. Other teams were bee-keepers, scuba divers, hoteliers, tattoo artists.

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