By Claire Corrigan
Almost €70,000 was spent on renovations in the Hub this year which included the purchase of two flat screen televisions.
Two revolving doors and two wheelchair accessible automated side doors came to a total of €60,000 while the brand new flat screens cost €9,000.
The Students Union did not pay for the new renovations. The bill was fronted by Campus Properties.
Speaking to The College View on the changes in the Hub, Welfare Officer/Vice President Collie Oliver said that the new changes had been due to both keeping up to date with new technological development and in the case of the new revolving doors, security issues.
Collie said the revolving doors were put in for security reasons because locals from the area were coming in to the Hub and the doors act as a barrier.
The changes were made after the Hub Management Committee met with Student Union President Ed Leamy to discuss the problem of non-students wandering onto the premises.
The Hub Management Committee meet with the Student Union on all matters concerning the Hub and during these meetings the President puts across different suggestions which have being raised throughout the year.
The changes come after other recent renovations during the summer in the Hub which included a repaint of the building in May.
The Union, which gets its funding through receiving a percentage of registration fees, also offers advice on how to find work while studying, organises student entertainment on and off campus and gives students the chance to put their own views across on everything from how they’re being educated to organising nights out.
The Office distributes the available finances throughout the clubs, societies and Student Union which stops the different departments from fighting among themselves for funding and also ensures that the money is used in a way which is seen as fitting by all departments.
Education Officer Cillian Byrne told The College View that he feels that the Office has being successful in its aim to fairly distribute funds and that “the funding is due to increase a small bit” due to a higher volume of students joining the college this year.
While some of the funding the Union receives goes to paying the wages of the three full-time sabbatical officers, most of the funding is put back into the university and is used for organising campaigns for the students.
The Union has plenty of campaigns organised for Semester One which include Give it a Go Week on 24th of October, Please Talk Week on the 21st of November and Arts Week on the28th of November.
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