Registering to Vote
With the election less than three weeks away and the political campaign underway, it’s time to make sure you’re registered to vote. Voting takes place November 29th, and as per usual you must be registered Read more…
With the election less than three weeks away and the political campaign underway, it’s time to make sure you’re registered to vote. Voting takes place November 29th, and as per usual you must be registered Read more…
Young people however, are inexperienced, in both academia and life. Forget secondary school students, most college students barely clean their room. If you cannot keep your own domain of existence in order, how are you qualified to try and impose order on society? Read more…
The sad reality is that students don’t appreciate SUs anymore.
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[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Union of Students in Ireland (USI) are concerned that any delays finalising the wording of the Eighth Amendment referendum would mean that students will be left unable to vote.
[dropcap]S[/dropcap]tudents running for Business Faculty Representative were notified less than 24 hours before their hustings during this year’s Student Union elections. Newly elected Business Faculty Representative Bryan Mulry explained that he was told he would Read more…
[dropcap]Tomorrow[/dropcap] is the final day in which you can cast your vote to elect the 2017/18 DCU Students’ Unions. Voting takes place online: in order to do so simply log onto Loop and click the Read more…
The newly launched website is a tool which voters can use to find out where their local candidates stand on important issues. Read more…
The elections for OSL, Clubs and post-grad officers failed to secure the minimum of votes. Read more…
The National Voter Registration Day took place on October 30th and aimed to register more young people to vote prior to upcoming referendums. Read more…
Today was the final day for voting in the DCU SU ’14 elections. All candidates were hitting the campaign trail hard looking for those last minute votes.
After the initial flurry of democratic enthusiasm dies down, the polling stations across DCU go quiet. From about 2 pm onwards, students manning the stations become a bit more desperate to get anyone and everyone Read more…