DCU News

DCU unveils long awaited student centre

October 3, 2018

The centre will welcome an estimated 50,000 students in the next decade. It was funded entirely through donations from the Tony Ryan Trust, Bank of Ireland, DCU Commercial activities, alongside €8 million raised from student levees. Read more…


DCUSU Presidential Candidate: Vito Moloney Burke

March 7, 2018

Vito Moloney Burke is a third year business student, the current Chairperson for the DCU Society Life Committee, and is the only candidate in the running to be the next DCU SU President.


Only one candidate runs for DCUSU President

February 27, 2018

Only one student is running for President in the DCU Students’ Union elections, leaving the race uncontested. There are currently 6 candidates running for the 5 paid sabbatical positions in the Students’ Union, with no Read more…