Trinity launches study into its links with slavery and the British Empire
Trinity College Dublin (TCD) will begin a 24 month investigation designed to “examine, interrogate and reflect on its complex colonial legacies.” Read more…
Trinity College Dublin (TCD) will begin a 24 month investigation designed to “examine, interrogate and reflect on its complex colonial legacies.” Read more…
[dropcap]U[/dropcap]ptake of Erasmus or study abroad programmes in Trinity College (TCD) dropped by 70 per cent in the first semester of this year according to Provost Patrick Prendergast, as reported by the University Times.
[dropcap]A [/dropcap]case of the coronavirus was confirmed in Trinity by provost Dr Patrick Prendergast.
[dropcap]F[/dropcap]ormer President Mary McAleese has been elected as Chancellor for Trinity College Dublin after receiving a large number of nominations from the Senate.
The second seeds put on a powerful campaign to make the final, losing out to a Trinity team star studded with Ireland players. Read more…
A Trinity Professor won the Science Foundation Ireland award: Researcher of the Year for his work on artificial intelligence. Read more…
The dissatisfaction from the student body is due to the fact that the company also caters for three direct provision centres in Ireland and accommodates 850 asylum seekers in Cork, Athlone and Clare. Read more…
The breached data is undergoing deletion, and according to Head of Trinity Sport Michelle Tanner, a report will be sent to the Data Protection Commission – a mandatory action as of May 25th this year, when the EU GDPR came into effect. Read more…
TCD previously had tobacco free areas introduced in 2016 which, according to Trinity News caused an “81 per cent drop in smoking in the zones from July 2016 to April 2017”. Read more…
[dropcap]Trinity[/dropcap] College have experienced a 21 per cent drop in applications from Northern Irish students for the coming academic year. The fall is thought to be as a result of Brexit fears.
[dropcap]DCU[/dropcap] has dropped 31 places in the world rankings of universities. Previously placed at 391st in the rankings, DCU now falls at 422nd.
[dropcap]DCU[/dropcap] are calling on policy makers to regulate “the escalating and uncontrolled pricing” of the student housing sector.
[dropcap]Of[/dropcap] seven complaints of bullying in Trinity in the past three years, only one has been upheld and formally sanctioned, a recent FOI revealed. During the academic year of 2015/16, there were three complaints of Read more…
[dropcap]Sixty [/dropcap]Trinity students occupied the Dining Hall last Wednesday in an ongoing protest over supplemental fees of €450 being introduced for re-sit exams.
[dropcap]I[/dropcap]reland will host the 10th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education next year in Trinity College.
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Age-Friendly University initiative has started up in Trinity College Dublin, introducing the 10 principles founded originally at Dublin City University.
Homeless and pregnant at 15, fortunes for Katriona O’Sullivan were going against her but grit, determination and a bit of luck now sees her lectur at Trinity, making her journey a heartwarming success story. Read more…
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]rinity College Dublin has been found to be in breach of advertising guidelines regarding a course listing on the university’s website.
Trinity College Dublin students have votes in favour of the introduction of Christmas exams beginning in the academic year 2018/19 according, to the Trinity Student Union. Read more…
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]rinity College’s proposed purchase of Iveagh Grounds sports facility is set to save a number of sports clubs from relocation according to the chairman of the Guinness Athletic Union.
[dropcap]F[/dropcap]ollowing Temporary Exclusion Last Year, Trinity Ranked 131st in World by Times Higher Education.
[dropcap]Tr[/dropcap]inity College Dublin are to redevelop Oisín House on Pearse Street into a 250-bed accommodation project after receiving verbal confirmation from Dublin City Council.
[dropcap] T[/dropcap]rinity College Dublin Student’s Union council have passed the motion to oppose student loans, two years on from the initial rejection of the motion.
Trinity College Dublin Student’s Union’s (TCDSU) council voted last week to elect an Ethics Minority Officer onto their executive. This position arose shorty after TCDSU President Kieran McNulty decided to utilise the structures and strength of the Union to ensure all students’ voices are heard.
Trinity College Dublin joined the League of European Research Universities this month as the first Irish university to join the network.
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