
Helpful tips for online learning

October 14, 2020

Online learning is becoming the “new normal” for students across the country as they start a new academic year.  


Why booking a j1 is such a painful experience

March 25, 2015

Doing a J1 is easily one of the best decisions a young person can make, however it is possible that during the booking process you will deeply regret that decision. It is a hassle and this is what you should be prepared for. Read more…

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Clever contouring

February 25, 2015

This year, contouring seems to be where it’s at makeup-wise and if you’re anything like I am, you’ll know it’s not exactly a move for the fainthearted. Get it right and you’ll have yourself looking Read more…

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College Fitness

October 23, 2013

We have all felt the burden of trying to keep fit and active in college, here is how you can get your exercise on a student friendly budget. Read more…