DCU News
New Hub launch delayed until September
[dropcap]The[/dropcap] launch of the new DCU student centre has been delayed until September, according to DCUSU President Niall Behan.
[dropcap]The[/dropcap] launch of the new DCU student centre has been delayed until September, according to DCUSU President Niall Behan.
The 2017 DCUfn Intervarsity Broadcast blew away the target of €500 to raise for Barretstown, exceeding that figure by more than €200. Read more…
The €14 development plans on the Dublin City University Student Centre, The Hub, has commenced and are due to be completed for Semester 2 of the academic year 2017-18. Read more…
Over 350 attend blood donation clinic in DCU over three days. Read more…
A referendum to extend and reduce the student centre levy to fund a new four-storey student centre is taking place this week. Read more…