Moon Knight: The Less Dark Knight
After nearly 3 years of waiting, the first episode of Marvel’s Moon Knight aired on Disney+ last week to widespread acclaim. Read more…
After nearly 3 years of waiting, the first episode of Marvel’s Moon Knight aired on Disney+ last week to widespread acclaim. Read more…
This time of year, there’s a few guaranteed milestones. The evenings getting darker, Christmas sweets hitting the shelves in September, and the new season of television getting us ready for winter. Read more…
RTÉ’s new six-part series ‘Smother’ aired on the 7th of March and was met with great praise from viewers. Read more…
RTÉ has extended the Tommy Tiernan show by six weeks due to popular demand. The fan favourite show was due to finish it is ten-week run on March 6th. The show will now air its Read more…
“It’s a Sin” will mash your emotions up like a potato and tug your heartstrings along a cheese grater. Makes a delicious meal then, but it’s heavy going. Do with that what you will, but it gets a hearty recommendation from me. Read more…
While people are at home watching television more than ever in the last number of months, reality TV has had to take a knock due to coronavirus restrictions.
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]iger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness, appeared on our screens on the 20th of March this year. Within a few days, memes started pouring in and Joe Exotic became an internet sensation with over 37,000 Read more…
After two years of development, directing and filming, Peter Morgan’s much loved Netflix drama returns to depict the life, times and private turmoil of the world’s most famous family.
Ostensibly a remix rather than direct adaptation of Alan Moore’s iconic 1987 comic, HBO’s “Watchmen” offers a contemporary political perspective on one of the core texts of modern superhero fiction, introducing a largely new cast Read more…
From the onset, there is a sense of foreboding in the new Netflix thriller, “Fractured”. This is possibly due to the fact that the plot of the movie seems very familiar to “Shutter Island” and “Flight Read more…
[dropcap]A[/dropcap]s multiplex cinemas remain dominated by comic-book heroes and endless remakes, prominent Hollywood talent continues to head to the small screen, resulting in yet another year of terrific TV offerings catering to a vast spectrum Read more…
Blackadder Goes Forth was the fourth and final series of the BBC comedy, which aired in 1989. This series follows Captain Edmund Blackadder (Rowan Atkinson), his dim-witted lackey Private Baldrick (Tony Robinson), and the wildly Read more…
“I never got a chance to share any of it with John. I’d give all my All-Ireland wins to still have him here with me today.” The work of the drugs court in Dublin was also a segment, with Judge Anne Ryan leading the judicial response to the drug crisis. The entire programme was efficient in highlighting what has become a health crisis here in Ireland. Read more…
This was the first chink in the armour of the Netflix MCU. The crossover show, The Defenders, was next on the production line, and the failure of its final hero did not inspire hope among the fanbase. Read more…
Lots of people can’t even manage to see their closest friends and family four times a week let alone six so it’s no wonder that people grow attached to the characters they see on screen and become emotionally invested in what happens in their lives, even if they know it’s make believe. Read more…
The Thirteenth Doctor has the charming, somewhat dashing characteristics of Tennant while maintaining the alien, almost childlike characteristics of Smith. As of yet, it’s hard to exactly pinpoint the finer details of her character. The staple trait of immense compassion is still obvious. Read more…
Insatiable’s message is that even if you outwardly ‘fix’ your problems, in this case, by becoming skinny, everything under the surface still remains. Read more…
Cartman is a parody of the typical ‘Woke’ individual. He engages in insincere virtue signalling to prove that he is not a racist, despite having not said anything racist. Paradoxically, his reduces Token to his race identity by assuming that all black people think collectively. Read more…
Women shouldn’t have to beg for jobs because ‘women can do it too’, they should just be given it on merit, not because they are a woman. Read more…