Burying a life
[dropcap]I[/dropcap]magine if there was a different way we approached death – a different way we approached funerals and burials, something different from what we are so used to now?
[dropcap]I[/dropcap]magine if there was a different way we approached death – a different way we approached funerals and burials, something different from what we are so used to now?
In its second year in DCU, the 2015 TEDx event saw a series of DCU alumni, faculty members and researchers take to the stage of The Theatre in The Helix to help spread the ideas they have or have had. Read more…
The world’s leading thinkers and doers come to DCU to talk about their inspirational lives and experiences. Read more…
Successful DCU alumni shared their ‘ideas worth spreading’ at DCU’s first TEDx event, which took place on campus on November 30th, as Gianluca Avagnina reports. Read more…