The return of the white Celtic Tiger
The use of party drugs is as rampant as it was during the boom years.
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The use of party drugs is as rampant as it was during the boom years.
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[dropcap]T[/dropcap]here has been a significant increase in the illegal purchase of cannabis online, especially among third level students internationally, a researcher has found.
The 4th Annual National Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) Conference will be held in DCU for the first time, on March 11th.
Minister for Health Simon Harris has said that a report recommending access to cannabis products for certain conditions will be implemented. Read more…
DCUStudents for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) launched their new project, SeshSafe, on Monday 21st of August, which aims to introduce drug testing kits, tools and skills for student drug safety and education. Read more…
Katie O’Neill reveals why the results of the referendum on cannabis legalisation were not announced as scheduled this evening as planned. Read more…
No student or group has registered as opposing the passing of the referendum which will mandate the DCU Students’ Union to support and campaign for the legalisation of cannabis. Students will be asked to vote Read more…
Dyas said one of the main discussions people should have on the issue should be the reasons why people become addicted to something, regardless of what kind of addiction it is. “Whether your addiction is watching six boxsets of Game of Thrones, or injecting heroin into your eyeball, it’s the reasons why you’re doing it,” she said. Read more…
Delegates represent student feelings on decriminalisation in Oireachtas committee. Read more…
Over 500 DCU students have signed a petition calling on the Students’ Union to hold a referendum on their stance on the legalisation of cannabis. For the SU to hold a referendum, a petition must Read more…
DCU students should expect to see a referendum to be held on campus regarding the SU’s stance on cannabis in the next academic year. Finnian Curran reports. Read more…
DCU will host the second SSDP national conference this April. Read more…
NUI Galway has become the first Students’ Union in Europe to vote in favour of the legalisation of cannabis. Kevin Kelly reports. Read more…
A recent study undertaken by medical journal, The Lancet, has found regular cannabis users are more likely to drop out of univerity. Finnian Curran reports. Read more…