
Need to quicken pace for Seanad reform

October 23, 2013

Head of the School of Law & Government and Democracy Matters member, Professor Gary Murphy welcomes the legislation to allow all graduates to vote in the Seanad but argues that it doesn’t go far enough. Read more…

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Why you should vote YES in the Seanad referendum

October 2, 2013

Lecturer of Politics at DCU’s School of Law and Government, Dr Eoin O’Malley argues for a ‘Yes’ vote in the forthcoming referendum proposing to abolish Seanad Éireann. He believes reform is worse needed in Dáil Éireann than in the Seanad, which he believes doesn’t justify it’s own existence. Read more…

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Why you should vote NO in the Seanad referendum

October 2, 2013

Head of the School of Law and Government Prof Gary Murphy is a member of Democracy Matters, the civil society group advocating for a NO vote in the forthcoming referendum, which proposees to abolish Seanad Éireann. He argues that a NO vote is in this case a vote to reform and modernise Ireland’s second house. Read more…

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National News

What about the Seanad?

September 26, 2013

With just one week to go until we decide whether or not to keep one of our Houses of the Oireachtas, The College View looks at what exactly it is the Seanad does. Read more…