First DCU student to run for USI Officer Board position since 2014
The first DCU student is to run for a Union of Students in Ireland (USI) Officer Board position since DCU Students’ Unions re-affiliation to the USI in 2014.
The first DCU student is to run for a Union of Students in Ireland (USI) Officer Board position since DCU Students’ Unions re-affiliation to the USI in 2014.
The first Class Rep Council (CRC) of the semester took place last Wednesday evening and saw motions passed on campus residence politics and Bank of Ireland’s FOMO campaign, while updates were also given on the Constitutional Review Committee.
Last Wednesday’s CRC saw a heated debate over the proposed changes to the Students’ Union constitution. Read more…
Five candidates are running for the position of DCU Students’ Union President 16/17 in the upcoming election.
Following the announcement of plans to introduce student loans, Sean Cassidy speaks about why students need to rally against this new scheme. Read more…
Sean Cassidy responds to Taoiseach Enda Kenny’s recent comments that he will not commit to repealing the 8th amendment if Fine Gael return to government. Read more…
Students’ Union Presidential candidate, Sean Cassidy speaks to Katie O’Neill Read more…
Katie O’Neill and Laura Colgan speak to the 2015/16 Students’ Union Presidential candidates Read more…
Sean Cassidy on why he wants people to vote against having a labyrinth in secular DCU. Read more…
Motion on Israel boycott dismissed as the competence of Class Rep Council is brought into question. Read more…
A referendum will be held on campus next week to gauge the student opinion on the construction of the on-campus Labyrinth. Read more…
The process of democracy is being delayed at CRC after a fall in attendance over the last few weeks. Read more…
Sean Cassidy reflects on how students engaged with candidates in last week’s Students’ Union elections. Read more…
An emergency CRC meeting saw a motion for a referendum on the construction defeated. Read more…
Sean Cassidy on why it’s important for every DCU student to engage with the candidates in the upcoming SU elections and use their vote. Read more…
Sean Cassidy analyses the yes result to re-affiliating to the USI and what it will mean for DCU. Read more…
Sean Cassidy gives his reaction to pro-life students disaffiliating from UCD Students’ Union following the abortion stance referendum. Read more…
Last year’s decision to nullify the referendum on DCU re-affiliating with the USI caused another lengthy debate at last week’s Class Rep Council meeting. Read more…
CRC agrees to sign charter against corporations dictating learning at universities. Read more…
As the end of the first semester approaches, Opinions Editor Sean Cassidy reflects on the work done by DCU Students’ Union so far this year. Read more…
Opinions Editor Sean Cassidy on the impact relying on the business industry could have for Irish universities. Read more…
Members of DCU SU have attended an international conference for college unions in the USA, as writes Seán Cassidy. Read more…
The College View’s Opinions Editor on the importance of debate. Read more…
Opinions Editor Sean Cassidy on the need to embrace the empowerment of students and class reps and start informing them about what occurs in their student organisations. Read more…
The family of murdered DCU student Nicola Furlong were awarded her posthumous degree at the recent 2013 graduation ceremony. Read more…