Religion and young people in a modern world
Kanye West has recently switched his attention from the red hat wearing leader of the “Free” World to a different kind of controversial figurehead, God.
Kanye West has recently switched his attention from the red hat wearing leader of the “Free” World to a different kind of controversial figurehead, God.
[dropcap]O[/dropcap]n October 26th, Irish citizens voted to remove blasphemy from article 40 of the Constitution. This means that the government will revoke the law which made it illegal to say something that is offensive to Read more…
[dropcap]S[/dropcap]econd Level students in Ireland are given the opportunity to officially ‘opt-out’ of religion classes, after a circular was issued to schools by the Department of Education on the 19th of February 2018.
[dropcap]Influence[/dropcap] on state run primary schools by the Catholic church is clearly represented in research by the School of Education at NUI Galway.
With the release of Macy’s new line for Muslim women and The Met Gala’s Catholic theme for 2018, Gabija Gataveckaite looks at the issues stemming from mixing fashion with religion. Read more…
With the numbers of Catholics on the decline it seems Ireland is on the way to facing a secular future, the percentage who identified as Catholic on the census falling from 84.2 percent in 2011 to 78.3 percent in 2016. There has also been a corresponding rise in the number of those with no religion, growing by 73.6 percent. Those with no religion now accounting for 10 percent of the population compared to 6% five years ago.
Teachers and anyone who can look back to their times in second and sixth class know how the First Confession, the First Holy Communion and the Confirmation dominate the classroom with the teachers running round like headless chickens trying to ensure that everything is prepared for the approaching deadline. Read more…
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he daily use of the Irish language in the Gaeltacht has dropped eleven per cent in the last five years, and Irish people are less religious, according to the latest census results published by the Read more…
[dropcap]G[/dropcap]arments such as hijabs that show “any political, philosophical or religious sign” can now legally be banned from the workplace, as stated by the European Court of Justice. The recent ruling directly affects workers in Read more…
[dropcap]The[/dropcap] forty days of Lent have begun, marking yet another religious date on the calendar that is readily accepted as something that happens every year without fail, because it always has in our homes in Read more…
[dropcap]It[/dropcap] is that time of the year when Christmas and New Years have passed, and the masses of red and pink items land in shops all around the world. Valentine’s Day is once again upon us, Read more…
A recent freedom of information request has revealed that only a handful of students are turning up to weekly masses held in a number of third-level colleges While colleges and universities spend about €1.5 million Read more…
Asking if religion is part of the problem of terrorism says Mc Kinley is the wrong way to look at the issue: “I think the question then becomes, if religion is part of a problem and you then have to find what that problem is and it differs in different ways then how can it also be part of the solution.” Read more…
Laura Roddy discusses why it’s time to remove religious influence from Irish schools. Read more…
There’s a lot more on offer in the Inter Faith centre than just religion. Read more…
Some atheists say that religious belief is a kind of irrational glitch in the system that we should work hard to overcome, but things are much more complicated than claiming religious people are uneducated or Read more…