
How is Ireland housing refugees and asylum seekers?

March 1, 2023

Slogans like #IrelandIsFull and #IrishLivesMatter have been sprawled across placards and waved at anti-immigration protests in Drimnagh, East Wall and Ballymun in recent weeks. While their accusations are fuelled by racism and xenophobia, protesters have Read more…

National News

UCC to give refugees full scholarships

February 7, 2018

[dropcap]University[/dropcap] College Cork has been granted the status of “University of Sanctuary” and will provide seven asylum seekers and refugees with full scholarships from September.


Trinity SU elects ethnic minorities officer

February 8, 2017

Trinity College Dublin Student’s Union’s (TCDSU) council voted last week to elect an Ethics Minority Officer onto their executive. This position arose shorty after TCDSU President Kieran McNulty decided to utilise the structures and strength of the Union to ensure all students’ voices are heard.

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