Your 2014/2015 DCU Students’ Union: Kenneth, Gary and Eve
The results of the 2014 SU elections: Your new DCU SU Executive for 2014/2015 Read more…
The results of the 2014 SU elections: Your new DCU SU Executive for 2014/2015 Read more…
Kenneth Browne is running for President of the Students’ Union in this week’s elections. Read his interview here. Read more…
A referendum to extend and reduce the student centre levy to fund a new four-storey student centre is taking place this week. Read more…
This academic year has seen a rise in the number of students interested in running for a position in the SU elections. Read more…
A variety of new amenities will be made available in DCU if proposed student centre gets go-ahead. Read more…
Reactions to the results of the USI referendum from USI President Joe O’ Connor and DCU Returning Officer Jack Butterly. Read more…
A look at what the pantigate scandal means for the upcoming gay marriage referendum debate. Read more…
Follow the debate live and find out what decisions will affect you this semester. Read more…
Last year’s decision to nullify the referendum on DCU re-affiliating with the USI caused another lengthy debate at last week’s Class Rep Council meeting. Read more…
A double-referendum expected to be held at DCU in early semester two could pave the way for a new student centre to be built on campus and see DCU rejoin the USI. Sarah Bermingham reports. Read more…
Students will have the choice to reaffiliate with the USI as NCAD announce that they will hold a referendum in the coming weeks, writes Conor Martin. Read more…
Tom Lenihan has resumed his post after a referendum proposing his impeachment was defeated, as Karla Chubb reports. Read more…
A referendum on reforming the SU constitution is to be held in semester one of next year, Class Representative Council voted on Monday. Students will be asked to vote on a number of reforms to Read more…
The Union of Students’ in Ireland may have been allowed to campaign on campus for the recent re-affiliation referendum based on misinformation. In a Class Representative Council meeting at the beginning of last semester, regulations Read more…
After the initial flurry of democratic enthusiasm dies down, the polling stations across DCU go quiet. From about 2 pm onwards, students manning the stations become a bit more desperate to get anyone and everyone Read more…
DCU would be tarnished by association with the Union of Students in Ireland, according to Chairperson of DCU Young Fine Gael Ryan Hunt. Hunt was speaking at the hustings for the referendum on affiliation with Read more…
Last Tuesday, just 5% of students voted in the Student’s Union’s referendum to abolish referendums. The SU, while expecting a poor turnout, was still surprised at the low number of students voting. The SU Commander-In-Chief commented: “It’s a Read more…
A proposed referendum on re-affiliating DCU with the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) may no longer take place this semester after the student who originally drafted a petition calling for a referendum on the Read more…
Two Students’ Union Convenors accused of breaching SU rules will find out on Wednesday evening if they could be removed from their positions. Science & Health Convenor Sarah ‘Flano’ Flanagan and Business Convenor Neil Mulhern Read more…
The position of DCU Postgrad officer will not be filled for this academic year as not enough votes were cast by the student body to secure a valid referendum. Only two students ran for the Read more…
DCU Students’ Union President, Paul Doherty, has confirmed a referendum on funding third level education is to be held this semester. Speaking to The College View, Doherty said: “it was mandated through student council that Read more…