Meet Nevvv – A unique figure in the Irish music industry
The sounds meshed with her vocals generated on the track are very innovative for an artists’ first ever official release. Read more…
The sounds meshed with her vocals generated on the track are very innovative for an artists’ first ever official release. Read more…
“Know your rights, know when you’re being treated fairly and unfairly in a job, know there are unions you can join that will support you,” said Lucien Waugh-Daly, DCU Students’ Union’s (DCUSU) Vice President (VP) Read more…
There’s a reason that Bernie Sanders has never joined the Democratic Party. The fact of the matter is that it’s an institution that is beholden to capital and wealth and not any of the liberal Read more…
[dropcap]I[/dropcap]t’s difficult to pin down where Earl Sweatshirt belongs in 2019’s music scene. His critically acclaimed album,”Some Rap Songs”, from last year was a departure from his earlier more mainstream efforts, featuring few hooks and Read more…
From a business point of view, you can see the logic if you’re an older band that hasn’t been active in a long time. There’s a lot of safe money to be made in reunion tours or making a movie that’s either a sequel or a remake. Read more…
The horror movie motifs are the first thing that strike you when watching ‘The Mind of Jake Paul’. Quick edits jump out featuring dramatic music and shots of maniacal laughter more befitting a show about the Zodiac Killer than a vlogger. Read more…
[dropcap]Over[/dropcap] 20,000 people ran from Fitzwilliam Square through the Phoenix Park and back to Merrion Square to complete the Dublin marathon on Sunday, October 28th according to organizers.