
Do we really need more biopics?

March 1, 2023

The biographical picture or ‘Biopic’ has been dominating box offices and awards season for the last number of years. But when do we say enough is enough?  This awards season alone we’ve had Baz Lurhmann’s Read more…


Are award ceremonies a place for politics?

March 14, 2018

If they don’t speak out on important topics, they’re criticised. If they do, they face backlash. Presenter and controversial Twitter user Piers Morgan described Meryl Streep’s anti-Trump speech as “hypocrisy”, but many others praised her words. They can’t win and they can’t lose. Read more…


Hollywood say TimesUp in style

February 7, 2018

As award season continues in Hollywood, the stars have used fashion to make their biggest statement yet, to stand in solidarity with the TimesUp movement. Read more…


Sussed: The Oscars’ best pictures

February 22, 2017

After last year’s #OscarsSoWhite controversy sparked outrage on Twitter as well as from the actors themselves, the academy have made an explicit effort to recognise diversity in this year’s films. This can be seen in Read more…


Review: La La Land

February 8, 2017

Every year, there’s a film that is soaked in nothing but hype. 2016 saw Suicide Squad, which critics loved to hate and 2015 gave all its Oscars to The Revenant. Admittedly, sometimes the hype is Read more…