
The fight for gun control

February 28, 2018

The students of Stoneman Douglas High have taken to social media in a show of unity and strength to condemn the ‘condolences’ expressed to them from Trump and other lawmakers. Instead, they are demanding action on gun reform to protect them in their own schools. Read more…


The fight to vote

February 21, 2018

To make our country truly democratic, it is natural to argue that our registration system needs to come up to speed. Read more…


The expense of experience for students

February 21, 2018

As students we’re constantly told that we are the future of whatever industry we’re looking to get in to and that our work should be valued, but how can we believe that when we’re also told that we may have to work for free? Read more…


The danger of normality

February 7, 2018

It’s no secret that young people are incredibly impressionable, especially young girls. With the growing dominance of social media in young people’s lives, influencers need to recognise this as they are a big part of young people’s lives. These photoshopped images have a lasting impression on young people, they see these images and perceive them as normal.

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Leo’s homelessness comments show a lack of sympathy

November 29, 2017

Varadkar’s comments like Gleeson’s shows his misunderstanding of the issue, his disinterest in the problem, his aloofness to lower class issues. His overall classism and elitism, as members of the Simon community and rival politicians have already pointed out. Read more…


Does privilege triumph talent?

November 29, 2017

Nepotism is a very, very real concept and it’s incredibly frightening. For creatives, it’s a death wish- it prioritises potential contacts and attention over people who really love their job and have a true talent. Read more…


Two Sides of Cultural Appropriation

November 1, 2017

David Kelly: This is nonsense No more Halloween, kids. Nowadays, people aren’t interested in what to dress up as, but what not to dress up as. A slew of articles have been released that explain Read more…


Vulnerable victims regret getting vaccinations

October 12, 2016

Following the distribution of the HPV vaccine that left hundreds of young Irish girls suffering from chronic fatigue, sleep deprivation, headaches and many more extreme side effects, Aoife Marnell argues that the HSE are not providing us with honest information. Read more…


Should colleges stand by the USI?

March 16, 2016

With UCD students voting against rejoining the Union of Students in Ireland, Aisling McCabe explains that while there are many advantages to membership, the national body is far from perfect. Read more…