National News

EU and Singapore strengthen ties

October 31, 2018

The EU and Singapore have signed three Agreements: the EU-Singapore Trade Agreement, the EU-Singapore Investment Protection Agreement and the Framework Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation, according to a press release by the European Commission. Read more…

National News

Vodafone apologises after “sinister” marketing campaign

October 17, 2018

[dropcap]Vodafone[/dropcap] Ireland’s latest marketing campaign has been referred to as “creepy” and “sinister” after journalists were sent framed pictures of themselves that appear to be smashed on October 3rd.

Budget 2019

BUDGET 2019: Housing

October 9, 2018

The Budget 2019 has allocated €2.3 billion towards the housing programme next year, announced the minister for finance, Paschal Donohoe at the Dáil today. Read more…