Students protest honorary doctorate of Bertie Ahern
Protesters disrupted events in the Helix at the start of this month as DCU chose to award ex-Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, with an honorary doctorate. Read more…
Protesters disrupted events in the Helix at the start of this month as DCU chose to award ex-Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, with an honorary doctorate. Read more…
Illegal drone activity caused major disruptions at Dublin Airport over the last two weeks; a number of flights were diverted to Shannon, Belfast, and Manchester on four separate occasions. The costs of the delays are said to be well over one million euro. Read more…
Sinn Féin u-turned on their call for a vote of no-confidence of Minister for Public Expenditure, Paschal Donohoe, last week after the party had to correct their 2020 election expenses again. Read more…
A new law has been introduced allowing the Northern Irish Assembly to defer elections for six weeks with the allocation of a six-week extension to be placed after if necessary. Read more…
A performance of Swan Lake by the Royal Moscow Ballet was cancelled last week in response to the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine. On February 25th, The Royal Moscow Ballet were set to perform Swan Read more…
Young Fine Gael, along with many other political youth wings, has called for the expulsion of the Russian Ambassador in response to the on-going invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation. Fine Gael’s youth wing Read more…
After the easing of restrictions last Saturday, restaurants, pubs and nightclubs nationwide welcomed customers back with no restrictions for the first time in almost two years. Taoiseach Micheal Martin announced an immediate end to almost Read more…
Leo Varadkar announced, towards the end of last month, that all frontline health and ambulance workers are eligible for the tax-free €1000 payment. Student nurses and midwives are included in the cohort who are eligible Read more…
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he University of Limerick has taken legal action against Irish Water due to water charges being placed on student accommodation. This comes as Irish Water plans to add an additional €106 to the rental costs.
New regulations have been signed into law that will remove a barrier facing PhD students with disabilities however, some students are frustrated that barriers for people with disabilities still exist. Read more…
[dropcap]W[/dropcap]e Can be Zero is a campaign launched by a group of Irish scientists on Monday February 1st.
[dropcap]L[/dropcap]ast week a campaign began to put an end to image based sexual abuse (IBSA), or what is sometimes known as “revenge porn,” in Ireland.
[dropcap]M[/dropcap]inister for Finance Pascal Donohoe announced the biggest budget in the history of the State including a €50 million fund which will provide financial aid for third-level students across the country.
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Cabinet approved a move into Level 3 Covid-19 restrictions for the entire state on Monday October 5th.