Is rural Ireland being discriminated against due to the continued Bus Éireann strikes?
With over two weeks of no Bus Eireann services around the country, rural Ireland has been forgotten about. Read more…
With over two weeks of no Bus Eireann services around the country, rural Ireland has been forgotten about. Read more…
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]hree projects from DCU were awarded funding this month from the Science Foundation Ireland for research projects in the areas of sciences, technology, engineering and maths. (STEM) Each project is currently being led by Read more…
Caoimhe Ni Chonghaile is a second year B.Ed student who is the sole candidate running for the position of Irish Language Officer on next years DCUSU.
The government is planning to introduce new laws that will prosecute firms who offer to write assignments for students in exchange for money.
Plans to improve the infrastructure of the transport system surrounding DCU were presented at the North West Area Committee meeting two weeks ago.
Lucy Mangan looks into mental health services provided by primary and secondary schools, arguing that there are not enough resources available for those seeking help. Read more…
Four thousand ecstasy pills and herbal cannabis were seized in Galway, all of which were suspected to be destined for the unofficial Galway ‘rag week.’
DCU is owed €165,000 in charges by just over 100 students, says records found by the Irish Times last week.
Lucy Mangan argues that although feminism has advanced in society in recent years, perhaps is has taken a turn for the worst in its aim to promote the equal rights of both men and women.
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A male contraceptive injection has proven 96 per cent effective in lowering sperm count to prevent unplanned pregnancies in couples ages 18-45 during a year long trial. Read more…
Director of the Maths Learning Centre in DCU, Eabhnat Ni Fhloinn, says a certain ‘mindset’ in people may be the reason they achieve in particular areas, especially mathematics. Read more…
DCU Student Academic Year Membership has increased by €10 euro from last year. Read more…