
DCU Glee dazzle at the Helix

April 4, 2018

[dropcap]The[/dropcap] Helix hosted incredible singing and dance routines as DCU’s Glee performed on Monday 26th March.

DCU News

DCU students march for transgender rights

February 7, 2018

[dropcap]Students[/dropcap] from DCU’s LGBT society marched to support the Transgender Healthcare Protest on the 20th January. Dean O’Reilly, the chairperson of DCU’s LGBT society, said that there were roughly 25 students from DCU who showed Read more…

DCU News

Wellness Wednesday and Hangover Hub debut at DCU

November 1, 2017

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]ellness Wednesday events are in full swing in the Glasnevin Campus of DCU to encourage students to be in touch with their physical and mental health in college. Sorcha Murphy, the Chairperson of DCU’s Mental Read more…