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Volunteering for the future

November 14, 2014

” Over 22,000 attendees from six continents descended on Ballsbridge and claimed the RDS as their own for three days to see what the plucky start-ups have to offer.”
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News Features

Online Privacy: It’s Up to You

October 1, 2014

People are now too willing to place their full trust in the internet. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, the benefits greatly outweigh the damage it can cause most of the time. Imagine the world today without email, social networking and cat videos. That’s not a world for me. Read more…

News Features

Mass Media’s Migration

April 30, 2014

Kevin Kelly discusses how websites such as Netflix and Youtube have revolutionised programming and the impact of this on our TV screens. Read more…


Back to Mac?

November 6, 2013

A few new releases this week from our favourite fruit that’s not a fruit. Kevin Kelly gives us the lowdown. Read more…