With Jews his Latest Target, is Kanye Okay?
While in isolation the past two weeks of Kanye West’s life seem to be an almost comical due to the absurdness of his actions and claims, what lies below the surface is not so entertaining. Read more…
While in isolation the past two weeks of Kanye West’s life seem to be an almost comical due to the absurdness of his actions and claims, what lies below the surface is not so entertaining. Read more…
Kanye West has recently switched his attention from the red hat wearing leader of the “Free” World to a different kind of controversial figurehead, God.
Kanye’s irrefutable egoism impedes his artistic focus on his new gospel-inspired album, “Jesus is King”.
Sinatra was unable to shake rumours of mafia links and as Kennedy wished to keep his public persona clean, the president went with the option of staying at Bing Crosby’s. When Sinatra heard the news, he flew into a violent rage, reportedly bashing the heliport with a sledgehammer. Read more…
Since then, a huge cultural shift has occurred, a rise in hip-hop and critical interest in pop has meant that many music festivals have had to completely rebrand themselves as the demographic of audiences attending these festivals has changed. Read more…
Though Kanye West’s latest release The Life Of Pablo has had a chaotic release and early life, Stephen Keegan explores how chaos has never held Kanye back. Read more…
It was released as a surprise and in barely enough time to give it a full listen was being hailed as a classic; the immediate reaction to Kendrick Lamar’s To Pimp a Butterfly said more Read more…
Kanye West has announced the title of his seventh solo studio album. No release date has been announced for So Help Me God, but recent weeks have seen the release of singles “All Day” – Read more…
Heems’s Eat. Pray. Thug.: Better than anyone could have hoped for; “Home”, “Flag Shopping” and “Patriot Act” are all absolute must hear songs. Kanye’s performance at the BRITs: How long you been laughing at Lionel Read more…
Arts editor Odrán de Bhaldraithe looks at the curious treatment of Kanye West in the public eye and contrasts it with that of the Gallagher brothers. Read more…
We’ve all heard the “Beck plays 14 instruments, Beyoncé has teams of writers” rhetoric lately, Odrán de Bhaldraithe queries why it is that people find this important. Read more…
Is all publicity good publicity? Do music stars who mouth off make it big? Emily Bodkin fills us in. Read more…