Calls to end mens violence against women – “Its not just a few bad apples”
One year on from the murder of Sarah Everard and there are increased calls to tackle men’s violence against women. Read more…
One year on from the murder of Sarah Everard and there are increased calls to tackle men’s violence against women. Read more…
The overarching theme to Thomas O’Dowd’s campaign is bringing back a sense of community to DCU. O’Dowd, who normally just goes by his initials – TOD, is the first Student Union Presidential candidate to run Read more…
Universities across Ireland have launched a series of workshops to highlight the danger of abusive behaviour and “inform and empower students to better understand their capacity to safely intervene”. The ‘Bystander Intervention’ course can be Read more…
Schools in Uganda have reopened to students this week, ending the longest school disruption due to the COVID-19 pandemic anywhere in the world. Read more…
A new method for reporting sexual assaults in colleges has been launched. Entitled the ‘Speak Out’ project the new online tool allows staff, students and visitors to anonymously report incidents of sexual assault. Data collected Read more…
A new study by the Health Education Authority ( HEA) has found that an ethnic pay gap exists amongst staff in third level education in Ireland. Staff from minority ethnic groups are also more likely Read more…
Discovered by researchers from Dublin City University (DCU) and Chalmers University of Technology (CUT), Sweden, the new method known as ‘click and cut’ or ‘click chemistry’ is a new way to prepare DNA drug molecules. Read more…
The College View’s Jessica Woodlock interviews DCU Ladies Rugby Club players, Aoife Guinan and Louise McCleery on their first game of the 2021/22 season as well as their aims for the rest of the season. Read more…
The Irish Universities Association (IUA) are calling on the government to “substantially increase” funding following the release of a new report. The report, by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Recovery (OECD), revealed that Ireland Read more…
In March, it was announced that Athlone IT and Limerick IT would merge to form the country’s third technological university. In the past week it has been revealed that the new TU, based in Munster, Read more…
A new report by DCU and UU has led to plans for a new Dublin-Belfast Economic Corridor, the first of it’s kind in Ireland. Read more…
There’s an age-old saying that many singers, athletes, and general celebrities favour at awards ceremonies, on podiums, or in everyday life – “This is for my fans”.
In fact, the entire last year in sport needs to be looked at positively, rather than through the typical ‘men are treated better’ lens. Read more…
We have no idea what stories have been pulled or never even saw the light of day because of the risk of a lawsuit. This law is a loaded gun on journalists, with the rich and powerful at its trigger. Read more…
[dropcap]F[/dropcap]ormer international player Lisa Jacob has been appointed the new manager of the Irish Women’s Hockey Team.
The coronavirus pandemic has brought change to every aspect of student life. From online learning to the distinct lack of nights out, it is clear that the upcoming college year will be one like no Read more…