The hidden social media epidemic destroying the reputations of young women
This under researched phenomenon harms countless young women across the world. Read more…
This under researched phenomenon harms countless young women across the world. Read more…
A film about children living in direct provisiom titled ‘Direct Division’ was screened today in the U building as part of DCU’s Refugee Week. Read more…
“We wanted to take a stand against what’s happening because it’s gotten to a level where women are safe nowhere from gender based violence,” Maughan explained a fortnight after the flashing. Read more…
Over 7% ( €312,000 )of DCU’s overall Covid-related expenditure has been spent on antigen tests in the last four months alone. Read more…
The Glasnevin native hopes to bring a better sense of belonging to DCU students and “greater awareness of the amazing things the SU does behind the scenes.” Read more…
If he’s elected, Nathan Murphy hopes to be an “open mind that will listen to everyone’s issues and help as many people as possible.” Read more…
The retail price of alcohol rose significantly last week as a government decision that a minimum price of 10 cent per gram of alcohol must be introduced in all off-licenses and supermarkets. Since the law Read more…
Cases of the virus were 49% more common in Direct Provision than the general public during some stages of the pandemic. Read more…
Dr Mark Humphrys says site where he criticised Black Lives Matter movement is separate to his teaching Read more…
Ian Heaphy, 33, pleaded guilty to robbery in Cork Circuit Criminal Court last week but did not take a €50 note after the victim said he needed the cash. Read more…
The country has been in an unprecedented housing crisis for the better part of a decade now. Directly where Padraic Pearse stood outside the GPO and read that the nation of Ireland would “cherish all Read more…
A proposed 276 unit student accommodation building in Dun Laoghaire has been opposed by locals, a nearby nursing home, An Taisce, and received criticism from IADTSU. Read more…
DCU’s Anti-Corruption Research centre has €319,258 by the Irish Research Council to examine how sextortion harms sustainable development and innovation. Read more…
Government officials met with Trinity College on Tuesday in an attempt to stop the closure of the university’s popular Science Gallery on Pearse Street. Read more…
Dublin’s North inner city ranked the worst out of a national litter survey, while Portlaoise was deemed the cleanest area, according to Irish Businesses Against Litter. Read more…
Last week the Supreme Court heard an appeal from the Minister for Education, in regards to the constitutional rights of children who are home-schooled. Read more…
Trinity College Dublin, followed by DCU and then UCD were revealed to produce graduates with the highest wages in their initial years after university according to a HEA study. Read more…
PBP TD Richard Boyd Barrett and American activist Harry Browne spoke to DCU students about pro-Palestinian activism at a DCU People before Profit event. Read more…
Dublin City University has been ranked first in Ireland for it’s graduate employment rate, and 23rd in the world, according to the QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2022 released last week. Read more…
The Dublin launch of next month’s Galway Comedy Festival kicked off last Wednesday night in Eden Quay’s Laughter Lounge.
English language teaching schools have called on the government to loosen restrictions on the recruitment of students or risk the loss of 8,000 teaching jobs in the sector. Read more…
The annual STAND student festival will be returning to 13 campuses this autumn, kicking off at University College Cork on the Monday and reaching DCU from the 25th of October to the 29th. Read more…
Representatives of student’s unions, the travelling community, renter’s groups and political parties spoke at a rally held outside the Dail yesterday. Read more…
Ógra Fianna Fáil has called on the Tánaiste, Leo Varadkar, to resign for “undermining the integrity of public institutions” by attending an event at the Merrion Hotel in July. Read more…