DCU recieves seven bullying and harassment complaints over past five years
DCU has received seven bullying and harassment complaints involving staff members over the past five years. Read more…
DCU has received seven bullying and harassment complaints involving staff members over the past five years. Read more…
A study by the Higher Education Authority (HEA) showed that university students receive less grants on average than IT students. Read more…
European students have voted Ireland the number one place to study abroad according to a recent online study.
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Irish universities are performing well against their European counterparts in areas of research and education according to recently published global rankings. However, the EU-sponsored U-Multirank suggests Irish 3rd level institutions are falling behind the curve Read more…
Multiple Irish universities have fallen behind in another international ranking. Elaine Carroll has more. Read more…
A new campaign, Defend the University, launched in DCU argues that it is not a funding crisis destroying Irish universities, but the turn towards marketisation & managerialism. Read more…
Just five universities from Great Britain rank ahead of DCU on the Top 50 Under 50 table. Read more…
A report published by a leading group of international experts claims Ireland is not capable of withstanding more than one leading university. The ranking of Irish Universities has continued to decline over the last number Read more…