DCU News

DCU to examine nurse-led Covid-19 interventions

October 28, 2020

DCU are leading new research to examine Covid-19 care among people who are homeless. The research is headed by Dr Briege Casey of DCU’s School, Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health, and will examine the characteristics of a number of nurse-led Covid-19 interventions. Read more…


Leo’s homelessness comments show a lack of sympathy

November 29, 2017

Varadkar’s comments like Gleeson’s shows his misunderstanding of the issue, his disinterest in the problem, his aloofness to lower class issues. His overall classism and elitism, as members of the Simon community and rival politicians have already pointed out. Read more…


Unlocking a hidden Ireland one travesty at a time

March 22, 2017

Bríon Hoban discusses the wrong doing in Ireland that we, as a society, accept. Focusing on the recent discovery of the mass grave at Tuam, Galway, Bríon argues that we must face up to the issues facing our society today, rather than ignoring them in the hope that they become forgotten. Read more…


How to help the Homeless

February 22, 2017

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]t is a sad but true fact that homelessness in Ireland is a growing crisis. Here are three different charities that you can get involved in to help tackle the issue. Focus Ireland Being the Read more…


Helping the Homeless

November 16, 2016

Christmas is a time for giving and receiving, however, not all of us are fortunate enough to be in a position to celebrate the festivities of the season. With winter weather a reminder of shorter Read more…

Through My Eyes

Homeless at Christmas

December 18, 2013

While most of us are getting ready to head home for the Christmas holidays, The College View speaks to some homeless people who’ll be spending the festive season on the cold streets. Read more…

News Features

Losing the shelter of your life

February 6, 2013

How many times have you heard somebody say, “I would give money to the homeless but I know they will just spend it on alcohol or drugs.” This is a common view held by many Read more…