
Alan Smeaton and the wonders of data analytics

November 16, 2016

[dropcap]Professor[/dropcap]Alan Smeaton was not expected to be an innovator, or an academic. As a young man, he did well in school but his family background didn’t indicate that a university education would be his path. Read more…


Black Friday Bargains

November 16, 2016

Black Friday is almost upon us, and although primarily an American tradition, it remains one of the biggest dates on the calendar for Irish shoppers. Rachel Farrell takes us through some of this year’s best Read more…


Making the Marathon

October 26, 2016

[dropcap]W[dropcap]ith the Dublin Marathon just a few days away, anxious first time runners will be looking for some last minute tips and advice. Compiled here is a guideline of how to tackle the forty-two kilometre distance. Read more…

News Features

How to save a life

October 12, 2016

[dropcap]Humanity[/dropcap] is not the perfect species, there is no promise of healthy perfect babies, but few people become pregnant with the expectation of having a child with a life altering disease. Cystic Fibrosis is a Read more…

News Features

Student nurses have empty purses

October 12, 2016

[dropcap]They [/dropcap]wear a uniform and their feet pound the same floors each and every day. They comfort patients, provide them with the care that every person deserves. They look after your mother, brother, father and Read more…


Live: Budget 2017

October 11, 2016

Minister for Finance Michael Noonan will publish his sixth budget this afternoon. With persistent leaks to the press throughout the weak, not many surprises are expected but whether or not it will be passed on Read more…


All roads lead to ROMES

September 28, 2016

ROMES are a half Irish, half Canadian alternative pop band made up of childhood friends Jacob Bitove on vocals, his brother Nick Bitove on drums, Andrew Keyes on Bass and James Tebbit on guitar. Earlier this Read more…

News Features

DCU creates more fuss around the bus

September 28, 2016

[dropcap]Stranded[/dropcap] students, missed lectures and having to endure plenty of cycling and walking. This is the reality many students face because of the bus strikes. DCU has tried to help the students in their commute Read more…

News Features

Cost of campus accommodation hits the roof

September 28, 2016

[dropcap]Students[/dropcap] lining the pathways, queues for the delicatessen in Spar and the endless cups of caffeine. The smell of new books, the vibrancy of new stationary, the heavy backpacks slumped on the shoulders of hungover Read more…

Saol an Mhic Léinn

Boladh na Bliana Nua Úr San Aer

September 28, 2016

“Tús maith leath na hoibre”. Táim cinnte go mbeidh mé ag athrá an tseanfhocail sin arís ‘s arís ó sheachtain go seachtain agus mise ag déanamh iarrachta mo chorpán a tharraingt ón leaba do léacht Read more…


Ireland needs to wake up to injustice – it’s time to repeal

September 28, 2016

Following the release of The Repeal Project’s video ‘We Face This Land’ expressing strong views regarding the possible repeal of the 8th amendment, Andrew Ralph expresses his views on the controversial matter of abortion in Ireland and the limited services available to the women of our country. Read more…


My J1 experience

September 28, 2016

For many people a J1 is synonymous with the college experience. The idea of three months spent in the US working and travelling appealed to me long before I started college. It wasn’t until midway Read more…