The most annoying sayings about leaving college
For some of us the end is nigh, and while this is all very exciting it is also rather annoying – here’s why; “Oh my God finished college already what are you going to do Read more…
For some of us the end is nigh, and while this is all very exciting it is also rather annoying – here’s why; “Oh my God finished college already what are you going to do Read more…
Emma Dungan pins two of Irelands cosmetic giants against one another in a bid to find the best eye-shadows Read more…
Doing a J1 is easily one of the best decisions a young person can make, however it is possible that during the booking process you will deeply regret that decision. It is a hassle and this is what you should be prepared for. Read more…
The Fear: Some people say that this one is easier said than done, but it is possible. The fear is a self-inflicted pain that none of us need in our lives. Nothing that you did Read more…
In light of the incredibly strange March weather we’ve been getting, there are two tricks that need to be shared. We all know how harmful the cold, dry weather can be for our hair and Read more…
Making banana pancakes, pretend like it’s the weekend… Read more…
On the 8th of June last year, me and my two best friends embarked on what turned out to be the most amazing summer of our lives. We bundled into the airport at 6am, nine Read more…
Fashion trends change with the wind and that’s no surprise to any of us. However some of the things these fashion cats drag in with them can be more than a little questionable. Here are Read more…
With everyone’s favourite time of year just around the corner, here are a few seasonal drinks if you (like me), can’t wait to get your Christmas on. Pomegranate Martinis: 50 grams of sugar 170 mls Read more…
Christmas Gift ideas for guys: FCUK gift set (for the bearded men): In light of the recent surge of facial hair on men, I think this is a very thoughtful as well as very handy Read more…
As we all start to spend a little more time on campus trying to get those pesky Christmas assignments done and dusted, the temptation to ‘reward’ ourselves with munch for managing to stay a whole Read more…
Well it’s that time of year again: Halloween. No doubt there will be black cats and scream masks out in their hundreds like always, and although it is very easy to concoct the most OTT Read more…
The guide on how to create the perfect CV. Read more…
Emma Dungan tells us what is on offer in Amsterdam Read more…