How to manifest with the moon
A new moon cycle is approaching, with a full moon lighting the sky on April 26th. Many people use crystals and manifestation to make the most out of the moon and to harvest its spiritual energy. Read more…
A new moon cycle is approaching, with a full moon lighting the sky on April 26th. Many people use crystals and manifestation to make the most out of the moon and to harvest its spiritual energy. Read more…
[dropcap]S[/dropcap]oon after the tragic news of TV presenter, Caroline Flack’s death people flooded social media with the message ‘Be Kind’. T-shirts, phone cases and endless quotes were made, shared and bought.
Speaking on the brand, Garnier Global Brand President, Adrien Koskas explains that they “have been committed to a world against animal testing since 1989.” Read more…
This month marks a year since students across Ireland began online learning. We all thought we were getting two weeks off college; little did we realise that if we fast forward to 2021, we would still be in the same situation. Read more…
[dropcap]C[/dropcap]urrent DCU Students’ Union (DCUSU) Vice President (VP) for Welfare and Equality, Dean O’Reilly is campaigning to be the next VP for Wellbeing.
DCU and the GAA team have teamed up to launch a video series aimed at keeping primary school children physically active during Covid-19. Read more…
Luke Joyce established his own premium cleaning company when he realised he didn’t want to be “just another one of thousands” in a big corporation. Read more…
Many of the #WhatIEatinADay videos on TikTok set out an unrealistic expectation of how we should be losing weight. Read more…
With all the closures, online shopping has taken over our lives. When Brexit kicked in it completely changed how we shop online as it brought extra charges and waiting times. Read more…
Covid-19 cases have spike among the Irish student population, with a total of 135 cases confirmed in NUIG and GMIT earlier this month. Read more…
For many, the first month of the year is known as dry January where people don’t drink any alcohol throughout the month. Read more…
On several occasions we have stood on our doorsteps and applauded the frontline workers, as they deserved it but now they also deserved to be paid. Read more…
Methadone clinics have been in Ireland since 1998. Their patients are still facing the same stigma as those who attended the clinics 22 years ago. Read more…
Feng Shui enables you to change the placement of your belongings to welcome harmony and a natural flow of positive energy. Read more…
The Methadone Treatment Protocol (MTP) has been in Ireland since 1998. The patients of these methadone clinics are still facing the same stigma as those who attended the clinics 22 years ago.
Simon Harris TD, confirmed that an additional €15 million is to be given to higher education institutions for capital works and equipment. Read more…
Some people with Covid-19 will have symptoms that linger or recur for weeks or months after their initial recovery, this is known as long covid. Read more…
While this is a horror series, this particular season takes on a dramatic yet chilling love story that even those who can’t stand horror could enjoy. Read more…
Third-level students are set to receive a €250 payment in the coming year in recognition of the impact of Covid-19 on students, as outlined in the Budget 2021. Read more…
Thousands of Leaving Cert students we left with nothing to commemorate the end of this phase of their life as they embark on a new one. Read more…
The Student’s Union of DCU have held a number of virtual events to help first years adapt to a new hybrid of online learning and interact with their potential classmates. Read more…
The USI launched the #EducationForAll campaign in hope of highlighting students who have past and present issues with the high cost of student fees and accommodation. Read more…
The idea behind clean sleeping is essentially making it your goal to get at least eight hours of quality sleep every night. Read more…
Ever since the lockdown, insomnia is something almost all of us have experienced. Our routines are messed up and the longer you leave it the harder it is to just get to bed and get Read more…
A series of anti-mask protests have taken place across the country, in an effort to stop the government from legally mandating face coverings. Read more…