Best of the Fests: Summer in Dublin
Summer in Dublin? Emily Bodkin has the lowdown on what you should get up to… Read more…
Summer in Dublin? Emily Bodkin has the lowdown on what you should get up to… Read more…
In FluxOpinion; Emily Bodkin on the part the media plays in the perception of the feminist movement. Read more…
While the 2014 Academy Awards have been and gone, and all the gongs have been handed out, deservedly or not, Emily Bodkin takes a look at a few films that missed out on joining the movie award hall of fame. Read more…
Higher numbers joining DCU’s political societies enables students to help local election candidates. Read more…
The Class Rep Council has voted to support student nurses protesting against the initial pay rate for graduates of just €6.49 per hour. Read more…
The head of a pro-life group at UCD has said he will continue to fight his case, having been disallowed to disaffiliate from the University’s Students’ Union recently. Emily Bodkin reports. Read more…
Emily Bodkin on how important a film’s score is to its plot delivery and lasting impact. Read more…
Is Hollywood still ignoring its leading ladies? Emily Bodkin on Tinseltown’s relationship with its female stars. Read more…
Emily Bodkin has a listen to Night Time, My Time, debut album from Sky Ferreira. Read more…
DCU SU has renewed its affiliation with the Niteline student listening service, following a reduction in cost and the promise of increased levels of visibility. Read more…
Is all publicity good publicity? Do music stars who mouth off make it big? Emily Bodkin fills us in. Read more…
Real life stories told on the big screen, Emily Bodkin takes us through her list of the top performances in biopics. Read more…
Students of UCD have voted for their university to adopt a pro-choice stance on abortion, but concern has been raised over the lack of publicity the campaign received on campus, as Emily Bodkin reports. Read more…
Students could be making themselves unemployable, a social media expert has told the inaugural conference of the Education and Training Boards Ireland. Emily Bodkin warns students of the potential dangers and advises on how these can be avoided. Read more…