
DCU remember “much loved” Conor

June 13, 2018

[dropcap]DCU[/dropcap] have extended its sympathies to the family and friends of Conor Morgan who died last Sunday while on holiday in Cyprus.

University News

DCU falls in global university rankings

June 13, 2018

[dropcap]DCU[/dropcap] has dropped 31 places in the world rankings of universities. Previously placed at 391st in the rankings, DCU now falls at 422nd.

Students' Union

Vito expects a bigger and better year for the DCUSU

April 18, 2018

[dropcap]The[/dropcap] incoming Students’ Union is expected to have a more thoroughly dedicated team compared to last year’s SU, according to DCU SU President Elect Vito Moloney Burke. This will be partially due to “perfect” timing, Read more…


Are consent classes effective?

April 18, 2018

Too often in education we are simply taught that 2+2=4. You write it down in your copy and don’t think about it until memorising it the night before the test. By opening up the classroom to questions and opinions on consent, with a qualified teacher to moderate, students would be more engaged and more likely to listen and take in what’s being discussed. Read more…


Why we still use Facebook

April 18, 2018

There are ways that we can protect our data on Facebook to a certain extent, by disclosing as little personal information about ourselves as possible and by not allowing third-party applications to access our Facebook pages, but the only real way to protect our information is to delete Facebook completely. Read more…


Should 16-year-olds be politically involved?

April 18, 2018

Young people however, are inexperienced, in both academia and life. Forget secondary school students, most college students barely clean their room. If you cannot keep your own domain of existence in order, how are you qualified to try and impose order on society? Read more…


The mixed martial arts misconception

April 18, 2018

For so many, MMA is an outlet. From many kids in low-income areas, to those who have used MMA to avoid going down the wrong path in life, or those who have used MMA to exit that path. Read more…