LGBTQ+ kissing protest takes place outside the Dail
[dropcap]M[/dropcap]embers of the LGBTQ+ community “shifted” outside the Dail on Wednesday the 6th of November to encourage the Government to introduce hate crime legislation.
[dropcap]M[/dropcap]embers of the LGBTQ+ community “shifted” outside the Dail on Wednesday the 6th of November to encourage the Government to introduce hate crime legislation.
The waiting list for trans and non-binary people to receive a psychiatric diagnosis is now twenty-five months long, according to the This Is Me – Transgender Healthcare Campaign. Read more…
A ceremony of remembrance was held on DCU’s Glasnevin campus to commemorate the transgender and non-binary individuals who have died as a result of violence this year. Read more…
[dropcap]A[/dropcap] Gender Identity and Expression policy for DCU is currently in the final stages of development and can be expected later this year, the head of the University’s Equality Office has said.
Major new research has revealed startlingly high rates of attempted suicide amongst young LGBT people, however support services are available on campus, as Sarah Bermingham reports. Read more…