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Mantalk #10

April 16, 2014

It’s all getting very melancholic around here…the boys are back for their final instalment of Mantalk with a few gems of DCU memories and some life tools we should all try to abide by. For the last time… Read more…


Mantalk #9

April 2, 2014

Perfecting the no make-up selfie? Why bother with make up at all, asks Seán, and Craig has the suss on a delish student dinner… Read more…

The Hype

Mantalk #8

March 19, 2014

This week Craig claims he knows how to talk to girls and Seán is sick of our elitist attitudes… Read more…


Mantalk #7

March 5, 2014

Set free from their fashion bubble, this week Craig talks all things Tinder and Seán tackles our need to get completely legless on a night out… Craig We’re rebranding, finally. This week marks a very Read more…


Mantalk #6

February 19, 2014

The sharpest fashion tongues in DCU are back, and like it or lump it, they’re going to say it as they see it. Seán Men, women, small children, welcome back! To disguise my next topic Read more…


Mantalk #4

December 4, 2013

This week in Mantalk, Seán debates the fashion industry’s association with sweatshops and Craig has the suss on scents for the winter months. Read more…


Mantalk #3

November 21, 2013

The boys are back. Fresh from a dapper (and indeed, victorious) outing working his T.I. impression as one third of the “Blurred Lines” trio in DCU Drama’s “Stars in their Eyes”, Seán on why what we wear is our identity. Craig isn’t too sure about buying a winter coat from a shop with a topless lad out the front, and sure…could you blame him? Read more…


Mantalk #2

November 6, 2013

Your two favourite boys with style are back for another round of mantalk. A birthday week for Craig means a new Zara jacket and Seán fills us in on the trials and tribulations of trying to break the fashion industry. Read more…


Mantalk: An Introduction

October 23, 2013

In a brand new style column for Flux, for men, by men, Craig Sutton and Seán Ó Grifín take us through their own personal style and give us an insight into what they’re going to cover in your must read every fortnight; Mantalk. Read more…