
Best album of the year: No Shame by Lily Allen

December 12, 2018

Allen lures her listeners in even more with the soft childlike tone she uses throughout the album which juxtaposes the strong adult topics she is singing about and the subtle electronic dance sound in the background, making her latest collection of music truly unique. Read more…


Is it wrong to wear the remembrance poppy?

November 28, 2018

[dropcap]A[/dropcap] Canadian doctor was in a Belgian field just over 100 years ago and was surrounded by death when he noticed a bruised shaped, vibrant red flower growing around the bodies. After the Second Battle Read more…


Terrorist attack staged in DCU

November 22, 2018

A simulated terrorist attack, known as Operation Barracuda, was staged on DCU campus to test how well emerency services react to such high risk incidents. Read more…

National News

Seán Gallagher: Presidential Candidate

October 17, 2018

Gallagher was leading in the polls in 2011 until the “Tweetgate” controversy where Pat Kenny read out a tweet which alleged Gallagher had financially corrupt involvement with Fianna Fáil.  Read more…


We need free sanitary products, period

October 17, 2018

[dropcap]P[/dropcap]ublic bathrooms are nobody’s favourite ally when it comes to hygiene. However, despite the assortment of germs usually found in them, public bathrooms offer refuge to those on the brink of an accident, whether induced Read more…

Budget 2019

BUDGET 2019: Review

October 9, 2018

[dropcap]Budget [/dropcap]2019 has been criticized as being an ‘election budget’ by Labour TD Joan Burton, after Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe’s speech on October 9th.